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HELP at H.O.M.E.
     September 8, 2009 ~ 3:00 PM       


PRESENT:        Brian Bullock, Town Manager; Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Donna Cross, Holden Municipal Light Dept.; Joe Sullivan;  Jack Chandler, Holden Fire Department; Steve Yerdon, Holden Area Chamber of Commerce; Jim Robinson; Susan Marsh; Johnny Suire, HCTV; Maureen Buffone, Secretary.

1. October HMLD bill decision is made.  Holden Woman's Club will have its very own flyer.
Help at H.O.M.E. will use a small amount of space on one side or the other of the Fire Safety/Energy Conservation flyer with necessary changes.  All that Help at H.O.M.E. really needs is the logo and a brief message about ways it is helping in the community.~ A statement about the presence of envelopes in the November HMLD billing needs to be included.~November will be the envelope and Jacquie will have more printed.~ Woodmeister has agreed to having its name on the envelope.~ Jacquie has more info., should it be needed.~ December will be a reminder to use the envelope or to look to Help at H.O.M.E. for help in the following ways (perhaps a repeat of info. from the October flyer???).
a. Having a day clinic
b. School supplies to be handed out by the Holden schools
c. H1N1 flu shots
d. Coats and/or warm clothing for seniors
e. Telephone buddies for housebound seniors??
f. Workshops......Job search via Internet, resume building, career re-education~ Joe
g. plus information (the booklet), food (WFP), and energy/fire info. (the flyer) - TBD in October
I like the day clinic idea a lot, and the job-search workshop.
I remember hearing about one-day dental clinics and eye-exam clinics being offered to people without insurance. A day of that might be more than we could handle, but perhaps we could fund specific dental work or eye-exams/glasses that people without insurance need. Some of the opticians or dentists or hygienists in town might offer reduced rates, or at-cost rates, if it is a limited number of patients. It might be worth talking to them, to see how it could work.~ Susie

I also think that in the interest of expending a bit more money we
should perhaps remove the "fund of last resort" requirement. That's not
to say that we would fund "everything" but perhaps we could act as a
"bridge" if you will, between the immediate need and going to other
agencies for more support.~ Louise

I support that change, subject to the ability to revert back to it in
the future if need be.~ Jim

I like that.~ Rich

2.  Rich would be able to use the October points for talking points for "Speaking Out" for Nov./Dec. (not sure what was decided).
3.  Banner schedule could be October, November, and December.~ Brian will check.
4.  Jim will create a line item for tracking operating expenditures and will get the "scoop" on the banner receipt.
5.  A suggestion was made to have the number of requests for help from Help at H.O.M.E. tracked, along with the number of requests that resulted in $$$$ help.
6.  Susie and Cheryl will meet to discuss new entries to booklet.~ Cheryl will provide new entries in a Word document to Susie by the end of September.
7.  Based on the number of booklets (boxes) remaining from the 2009, we will wait 'til there is very little left to distribute, and then print the next edition with the help of HCTV11.~ Susie will need any other new information 2 months in advance because of formatting requirements.
8.  Johnny will schedule the 4 remaining PSAs at his convenience. I believe they are the following:  Louise for W.A.R.F. and how to request help; Louise for WCAC and how to sign up; Cheryl for the booklet and all the cool stuff in it; Karen for the WFP (because Johnny is quietly insistent!).
9.  Another item discussed was fundraising goals which I believe was tabled until the meeting of 9/24/09. $25,000/yr.~~ Needs target not decided.~~Jim

(Above prepared by Karen Halley.)

It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Buffone